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E. E. Jeter AgriSTEM Barn

E. E. Jeter AgriSTEM Barn Image
Raised toward our $20,000 Goal
10 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on August 31, at 08:14 AM CDT
Project Owners

E. E. Jeter AgriSTEM Barn

E. E. Jeter K-8 School in Shelby County, Tennessee has a new AgriSTEM program that includes raised gardens, an orchard, a chicken coop, a greenhouse and a farm garden.  We are repairing and adding fence to create a pasture for dairy goats.  The next step is to build a small barn to house and milk goats and store equipment, feed and supplies and serve as a separate classroom for our agriculture classes.

The barn will be approximately 1,200 square feet with a second-story hay loft.  The plan is to involve Jeter and local students to the extent possible giving them actual construction experience.  Jeter's FFA chapter will reach out to nearby FFA chapters and church groups.